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Import Data from Netezza to Hive using sqoop

following is the syntax for importing data from netezza to hive. 

sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:netezza://:/ \
--username= \
--password= \
--table  \
--hcatalog-database  \
--hcatalog-table  \
-m 1

provide the username in all CAPS, otherwise it will throw authentication error.

create hive table. 

if you don’t have the corresponding hive table, you can use the following option.  which will create hive table if it doesn’t exist. 


Sqoop import change hive table format and properties

if you want to change the format of the hive table, you can do with following option. 

--hcatalog-storage-stanza \
'stored as orc tblproperties ("orc.compress"="SNAPPY")'
Published inHadoopSqoop

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